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Monday, September 24, 2012

Taking Photos

I have been wanting to get back to taking photos. But I seem to never have any inspiration. So when I stumbled across a website that gives simple prompt words for a photo a day challenge every month I got excited. Chantelle of Fat Mum Slim puts up a list for every month and people play along. I used to do a photo a day challenge and I had a lot of fun. So here I am carrying my camera around everywhere I go again. I decided that I'll put the photos here on my blog and link to them via Facebook/Twitter. I am going to jump right in and begin with the photos for the last week of September and then I'll be fully joining in for October and beyond. I like how simple the prompts are. Some of the photo-a-day challenges I have been a part of were somewhat specific. For example with the prompt "take a photo of the night sky" I felt like I had to take a night sky photo. There was not much creativity room. But FMS's prompts are more like "moon" or "night" which I could interpret as taking a day shot of the moon or the street life at night. I feel like I can be more creative with very simple prompts. Looking through October's lists I have some ideas for a few of the prompts. It's going to be fun.

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