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Monday, September 17, 2012

Last Weekend

Saturday night was the Utah vs. BYU rivalry game. I worked all day from 10am until just before 9pm. The game started at 8pm. It was such a late game. Utes won in the end, 24-21. The game ended around midnight.

My cousin's mission homecoming talk was yesterday. It was really good. I also enjoyed the speaker after her. I thought their talks want very well together.

I fed Satine last week. She got two mice. It's odd because after she ate the first mouse it didn't look like she ate anything. But after the second mouse it looked like she ate. She had a tiny bulge in her stomach. lol. She hasn't moved much since I fed her. She's just hanging out on the heat. She should be moving around more in the next couple of days.

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