More To Look At

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Mom is in charge of Girl's Camp for her ward this year and I have been helping with a lot of her projects. The theme of the camp is F.R.O.G. which stands for Forever Reaching Our Goals. The whole week is frog themed and they have lots of frog stuff. In Mom's adventures of finding frog items she came across some really cute frog wrapping paper at the dollar store. So she bought several rolls thinking she'd use it for something. She's not going to use it. But when I saw that they were decorating paint cans to use as mailboxes for the Secret Sister stuff I mentioned that it would be cute to do one in frog wrapping paper. My mom agreed. So yesterday I got to decorate a paint can using some frog wrapping paper and scrapbook paper.

This can is used for the visitors. People that won't be there the whole week.

I like it without the label the best. (This is the back)

I cut out a frog with a blue bird to put on the lid.

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