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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's Been A While

I haven't written here for a while, have I? Sorry. I bet you're dying to know what's going on in my head. lol. And I have a lot of thoughts today. This will be a long post, so bear with me.

As I did mention the other day, I have been working on redesigning all of my blogs. I haven't done much because I have been distracted. Tomorrow I don't have work so I do plan on working on some of the ideas I have. You probably won't see any changes for a while though.

I have also been working on finalizing this month's Saturday Sing posts. I have one and I know what they are all going to be but I need a few more videos. I'm definitely doing that tomorrow. Also with Saturday Song posts, I have decided on my December songs. I just need to gather those videos too and I can be all done through the end of the year. I did want to ask people if you like these posts every week. I like making so I'll probably keep doing them next year. But I want to know your thoughts, so leave a comment.

I have been working a lot of long shifts the past couple of days. It's nice to be working. This weekend and next weekend everyone has some all day shifts. November is super busy. We have the end of football season and the beginning of basketball. Also there is the minor sports here that are also going on this month. Like I said, it's nice to be working but at the same time I miss sleep. I make sure that I sleep in on my days off. It's never late but I don't set my alarm and I let my body wake up on it's own.

On that note, going on walks with Lauren every week has been a hit-and-miss sort of routine now. But as it is turning colder here in Utah we haven't been going very often anyways. I do miss exercising on a regular schedule so I might start some sort of indoor activity. The thing is I never know my schedule until the week before. I have thought about asking for a day off, say Mondays, and then I have a set day that I never work that I can have to do personal stuff on. But I haven't asked yet. I'm still thinking if I really want to do that.

My email account has not been cleared out for a really, really long time. Until today. I finally went through and deleted all the emails that I absolutely do not need. I also unsubscribed to a few of the emails I get regularly that I don't need anymore. I'm sure there are a few I missed so I'll get those as they come in. But now I feel like I can use that email account again. I won't lose any emails in my digital pile of papers.

This year I pretty much failed to read Shakespeare. So I gave up for this year and I've been reading a couple of other books just to pass the time. Next year I will read all of the plays. Since I did read the Shakespeare biography this year I will not read it next year. But I will reread the two plays I did read. I still plan on writing out my reviews for the plays as I read them. So look for those next year. I think this year with the biography taking months to read I just put to much pressure on myself to read them all.

Halloween was fun. I did make a costume but I really didn't care for it overall. So yeah. It was a "Raining Cats and Dogs" sort of theme outfit but, like, I said, I didn't really like it. I should have just been a pumpkin like I originally thought of doing. We have a few pumpkin costumes in the ceder chest that Mom made several years ago. I really should have just picked something we already had. Oh well. Lesson learned. If I don't absolutely love don't make it. lol.

My brother, Chad, gave me a book to read about emotional intelligence last week. I was finishing a novel at that time so I didn't look at it until today. It seems like a very interesting book. It teaches about self-awareness strategies, self-management strategies, social awareness strategies, and relationship management strategies. I look forward to read it and working on those. I let you know what I learn. lol.

My friend sent me an email several months ago asking me to send her some photos for a project she's working on and I haven't done that yet. She said there was no rush but now I'm starting to feel bad that I haven't done anything with that yet. So perhaps I'll look through my photos tomorrow and see if I can get those sent to her soon. I did send her an email back last week telling her I had not forgotten about it. lol.

Brian, my youngest brother, left for his mission today. Well, he went to the MTC today so he isn't in Wisconsin for a couple more weeks. He packed his room and everything too. Dad and Mom took the day off of work to take him to Provo. I don't know if Dad was planning on packing up Brian's furniture today of not. I guess I'll find out when I get home.

Have I told you what the plans are for Brian's room? I don't think so. My room and Brian's room are getting repainted and the holes patched. We're packing all of Brian's things anyways since he'll be gone for two years. And then it get patched and painted. I'm not sure what colors the rooms are going to be. I think Mom just wants them to be some sort of white. Anyways, after Brian's room is painted we are getting my furniture out of the garage and moving me into that bedroom. I am soooo excited to sleep in my own queen-size, low to the ground bed again. And I'll have more floor space. Hopefully I want feel so crowded in that room verses the room I am in now. After I'm all moved into that room my current room is going to be painted as well. And I believe that Eric's furniture will stay in there so that he can be in that room when he gets home from his mission. I do plan to purge my stuff of all the random papers and magazines that I don't need as I move over to the other room. I am going to try and keep my room clean and organized. I have to figure out where my furniture is going to go in the new room. Maybe I'll draw up a version of the room in SketchUp so that I can play around with where I want everything to go. But the main thing is I am really excited to get my own bed back. I'll be able to sleep without any back pain in the mornings and I'll be able to sit on my bed and reach the floor at the same time. lol.

I told you this was a long post. lol. Congrats if you read it all. I give a virtual pat on the back.

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